
Live in the Present, Melt in the Moment

January 22, 2018

It doesn't snow often in London. Matter of fact, it doesn't snow at all. In my 5 years here, I've suffered because of this - because I miss proper snow and at least a proper snowfall. This year though, and a bit in the end of last year, it "snowed" or at least that's what it looked like (it's actually sleet).

When it happens, it usually starts in the first part of the day and takes you by surprise. The weather app says: "100% chance of heavy rain" and when you wake up, you see these watery snowflakes and rejoice. And trust me, you rejoice with all your heart. You feel like it's the Christmas morning all over again. You feel like you've won the lottery. You feel like there's a choir of angels singing "Hallelujah" on repeat in your right ear. You feel like nothing else matters. You feel like you don't need anything else in life. You feel like getting naked, going out and dancing. You feel like it's a good time to catch a cold. You feel like dancing, running and shouting at the same time. You feel like you need a chai latte. And a cup of coffee. And a hot croissant. And chocolate. Actually all of them. You just feel alive. And trust me, I am not exaggerating. All the Londoners who love winter will tell you they feel the same. And because this sleety snow is so rare here in the South-East, it really makes you feel like this. Even if it lasts one, two, maximum three hours, you're there. One of those rare occasion when you truly, honestly, live in the present and enjoy every single moment. 

I know for those of you who see tons of snow this is nothing, but for all of us who adore winter this is everything. I'm a sucker for moments like these, when life really surprises you and you feel your being is melting in the Universe, and you just belong and become one with everything around you. For a moment in time, you are so alive, so happy, so present. 
Even if sometimes life serves you lemons, just remind yourself that every dark cloud has a silver lining and finally, just out of nowhere, when you don't except anything from anyone or from the Universe itself, something so good comes your way that it makes you shed a tear.


Make sure to keep an eye on ZAFUL and RoseGal, they both have some tempting Valentine's Day sales and offers, so head here for ZAFUL Valentine's Day 2018 and for RoseGal's Valentine Gifts. Enjoy!


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Styling: @carlavadan

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  1. I've got the same boots! I love how you styled them <3

    1. Thank you Karolina! I've checked your blog and love how you styled them too! I really love them, they're so comfy and warm. xx


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